I would give this series 3 1/2 stars. Overall, I have enjoyed the Harper Connelly series. Harper's ability to sense the dead and know how they died was very interesting and original. The series took a wrong turn with the relationship between Harper and her brother (or boyfriend) Tolliver. When book 2 revealed Harper's changing feelings toward her step-brother, I hoped that the series would not go in that direction. Of course in book 3, the series completely went in that direction. I just could not get used to the brother and my boyfriend aspect of this fourth book. Actually, I think that the series would have been more interesting if Harper had pursued a relationship with Manfred, since he was such an interesting character. I was glad to find out what happened to Harper's sister and enjoyed the mystery in the book. Ms. Harris - please no more books where the devoted brother / sister team morph into a devoted boyfriend / girlfriend team - It is just creepy!!