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Zero Day by Ezekiel Boone

Zero Day: A Novel (The Hatching Series) - Ezekiel Boone

This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books.

I had a good time with this book. This is the third book in the Hatching trilogy which really needs to be read in order. This book picks up right after the events of the previous book and the three books really tell just a piece of the overall story. I am really glad that I read the entire trilogy during the past couple of months because I was able to remember details of the story that I would have most likely forgotten if I had read them as they were published. I found this book to be an entertaining page turner.

I really like the way that the story is told. Just like the previous books in the series, the book is told from a large number of point of views. Most of the characters that get a chance to help tell this story have played key roles in the earlier books but there is still the occasional viewpoint from someone new to the story. Some point of views show up quite frequently while others show up only once. This installment seemed to focus on the known characters a bit more with fewer one and gone point of views.

This is the final book in the trilogy so things are pretty dire at the start of the book. This book really focused almost completely on the situation in the United States. Things are not good. There is the spider problem of course but the politics were almost as dangerous. I found the politics and the spiders to be equally entertaining. The scientists and the inventors were working hard to find a solution and it was a whole lot of fun watching them as they made discoveries.

I thought that this was a pretty exciting story. There was enough action to really keep things interesting. I also thought the the evolution of the spiders was very interesting. There were a few moments that I had no idea how things would work out and there were some truly scary moments. I thought that the ending was quite fitting.

I would recommend this series to others. I thought that this was a really well told story with just enough of a creepy factor to keep things very interesting. I will definitely be looking for more of Ezekiel Boone's writing in the future.

I received an advance reader edition of this book from Atria/Emily Bestler Books via NetGalley.

Initial Thoughts
I thought that this book was a solid end to the trilogy. It did take me a bit to get into this book but once I did, I didn't want to set the book aside. There were a few unexpected turns and a lot of action. It was nice to get to see all of the characters from the previous installments make an appearance in this book.