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All the Stars in the Sky by Sarah Lyons Fleming

All the Stars in the Sky: Until the End of the World, Book 3 (Volume 3) - Sarah Lyons Fleming

This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books.

This was a really good conclusion to the series. When I find a series that I enjoy, I usually try to take a bit of a break between books just to stretch things out a bit. After finishing the previous book in this series, And After, I knew that this would be a situation where I couldn't wait to find out what would happen next. It has been quite the adventure with Cassie and the group.

This is the third book in the Until the End of the World series which I do think needs to be read in order. This book picks up immediately after the events of the previous book. I do my best to write spoiler free reviews but there may be some spoilers about events from earlier books. The second book really left the group in a desperate situation which is where we find them as this book opens.

Cassie and the group need to make to a new safe zone. The plan has been to head to Alaska if Kingdom Come was compromised. She is with a small group making their way by vehicle across Canada to reach their goal and hoping to avoid the zombie pods. They have limited supplies in terms of food and fuel but they are resourceful and work well together. During their travels, they encounter some pretty scary situations that had me at the edge of my seat. They run into some really nice people and some people who could be described as anything but nice. I felt like I was right there with the group and wanted to see them reach safety more than anything. 

This was a really exciting book. There seemed to be more instances where they had to deal with life-threatening zombie situations. They spent nearly the entire book in danger. I did think that the book slowed down for me at the end. The last section of the book focused more on relationships than anything else and I thought it was drawn out just a bit. I did like the fact that the characters continued to talk about other characters that have died to keep their memory alive. I thought this felt really authentic and it helped me get over a certain character that was lost at the end of the second book. Can you tell that some of these deaths still bother me? No character is ever safe in the zombie apocalypse.

Julia Whelan does an amazing job with this series. There is a large cast of characters and she did a fabulous job representing them in the same manner in each book of the series. I was constantly pulled into the book through her narration. Exciting scenes, funny scenes, and more heartfelt scenes are all handled equally well. I listened to this book for hours at a time and definitely plan to listen to her work again in the future.

I would recommend this series to others. I think that fans of The Walking Dead would appreciate this story of survival. I liked the series enough that it is one that I hope to listen to it again at some point in a few years. I hope to read more works by Sarah Lyons Fleming in the future.

Initial Thoughts
This was a good conclusion. The group was in a lot of danger for much of the book so there was a lot of excitement. It did fizzle out a bit during the last hour or so of the audio when the focus was almost entirely on romance. Overall, I really enjoyed the whole series.

Book source: Audible purchase