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A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon

A Breath of Snow and Ashes (Audiobook - Audible Download) - Davina Porter, Diana Gabaldon

I almost feel like Claire and Jamie are family.  We have been through a lot together over the years and it seems like things never really get any easier do they?  This was my first time through this book and I went ahead and did the audio instead of reading the paper version.   This was a really long audio.  Too long if I am being honest.  I love Jamie, Claire, Brianna, Roger, and the whole gang but I was really ready to move on to something else by the time I finished this audio.  Don't get me wrong this story is really good and I am glad that I listened to it but it almost exhausted me at a point.

These books are a little different than what you would normally read.  I always tell people that most books deal with a certain problem and have a definite story arc.  Books in the Outlander series are very character driven and they don't focus on any particular plot point.  It is really just all of the things that happen during this period in Jamie, Claire, Brianna, and Roger's lives.  You do need to read this series in order because things from previous books do tend to pop up from time to time.

So much happens in this book.  Like I said, Jamie and Claire feel almost like family so when bad things happen to them, I really tend to feel it.  Bad things do happen in this book.  Things that made me want to cry, things that made me laugh, and things that made me mad.  I do really like how Jamie and Claire's love for each other never wavers and even now that they are older, they still have a very healthy sex life.

Davina Porter does a fabulous job in narrating this book.  The voices and accents that she uses for all of the main characters have remained very consistent over the course of the series.  I find it amazing how well she handles the male voices.  Her Jamie is just perfection.  I like how much emotion really shows in her voice as she reads this story.  I am able to listen to her voice for hours at a time without ever tiring of it.

I would highly recommend this series to others.  This is a series that I plan to revisit from time to time because the characters are so wonderful and the writing is so well done.  I will be continuing with this series in the near future.