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Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever - Katie Heaney This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life

I received an advance reader edition of this book from Grand Central Publishing and Net Galley for the purpose of providing an honest review.

I thought this book was an OK read. I would rate it 3 out of 5 stars. This book is Katie Heaney's memoir in which she details her romantic life. Katie is 25 years old and has never been in a relationship or dating situation in her entire life. The whole idea of this book kind of blows me away. The thought of not being in any kind of relationship during high school or college is completely foreign to me and I thought it would be fun to read.

I found the early chapters of the book incredibly cute. I loved her descriptions of the grade school crushes that I think every female remembers having (at least I do). The author really hit home with me when she talked about her crush on Home Improvement Star, Jonathan Taylor Thomas. I am a little older than the author but I had my own teen crush, Jon Bon Jovi, and if I am being honest.....I still have a bit of a crush on the man (shhh.....don't tell my husband!). I found the book very relate-able during the childhood and early teen years where her focus was on fitting in and making friends.

As she grew older in the book, I found myself relating to her story less and less and growing a little bored. Going into the book, I knew she would be dateless so there was never any surprising moments for me. I did find some humor in the manner that she told her story but it was never the laugh out loud funny book that I had hoped it would be for me.