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Our Broken Sky

Our Broken Sky - Sarah Harian This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life

I received an advance reader edition of this book from Penguin Group and Net Galley for the purpose of providing an honest review.

4 Stars

*Please note that this review may contain spoilers for the first book in the series.*

This novella is part of the Chaos Theory series. I think that readers who read and enjoyed the first book in the series, [b:The Wicked We Have Done|18000952|The Wicked We Have Done (Chaos Theory, #1)|Sarah Harian|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1379016776s/18000952.jpg|25261456], will also enjoy this novella which is told from Valerie's point of view.

Valerie was one of the more intriguing characters in the first book of the series so I was very interested to see things from her perspective. While this novella is rather short, it packs quite a bit of story into its pages. We learn about Valerie before anything happened. We see her with her twin sister Veda and find out exactly what happened to send Valerie to the Compass Room.

The story then jumps to the Compass Room and we see things from Valerie's perspective. Much of the section within the Compass Room focuses on Valerie and Jace's relationship and the time that they are alone together.

The story jumps once again to the period of time after the Compass Room and we see how Valerie is coping with everything that has happened.

I think that this novella jumps from section to section without much of a link. I enjoyed seeing Valerie's perspective because I already knew the story from the first book. I do not recommend reading this before book 1 because I think that it would be hard to follow and it would give away quite a bit of the plot of the first book.

While I don't thing that this novella gave a whole lot of new information, I would recommend it to readers who enjoyed the first book.