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Fire Touched

Fire Touched - Patricia Briggs This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life.


I absolutely loved this book! As soon as I had this book, I set everything else aside and started it right away. It has been two long years since I had a new Mercy Thompson book to read and this book proved to be worth the wait. It really had just about everything that I could have hoped for. There was tons of excitement, some tender moments, and some scenes that made me laugh. I haven't read a book this entertaining for a very long time.

Can I just say up front how much I love this series?!?! It has been so much fun to watch these characters developed over the course of the series. Mercy and Adam are so good together and I find it really refreshing to see such a solid relationship demonstrated in this series. I think I like Mercy just a bit more with every book. She is really such a wonderful character. She knows her weakness and doesn't try to pretend that they don't exist. She doesn't make a lot of assumptions and when she makes a mistake, she owns up to it.

This book is filled with action and excitement from beginning to end. An epic fight with a troll on a bridge leads Mercy and the pack to become protector of a boy who has lived with the fae for many, many years. Adam's pack finds themselves in a difficult situation that must be handled with extreme car. I love the pack politics in this book. I think that everything has been leading up to this moment for a while but I loved seeing how everything played out.

The writing in this book was nearly perfect. The pacing was well done with the more exciting scenes between nicely spread throughout the book. The lighter moments were well placed in the story and it seemed liked any time I needed a laugh, I soon found one. The characters continued to develop in this installment and really proved to be one of the strengths of the book. As I read this book, I was completely immersed in Mercy's world and happy to be there.

I would highly recommend this series to fans of urban fiction or anything paranormal. I do recommend that this series be read in order since the characters and world have changed and developed over the course of the series. Plus the rest of the books are excellent so why would anyone want to skip them? I have been a fan of Patricia Briggs and this series for a long time and I plan to continue to read and re-read this series many times in the future.

I received an advance reader edition of this book from Berkley Publishing Group via NetGalley for the purpose of providing an honest review.

Initial Thoughts
Can I just say that I absolutely love this series?!?! I love how Mercy's character has developed over the course of the series and how awesome she truly is. She doesn't try to be something that she's not. She knows her weaknesses and doesn't try to pretend they don't exist. All of the characters in the series are just amazing and I love them a little more with each new installment.

This book is pretty much non-stop excitement with a few moments that will make you laugh as well as a few tender moments that may make your heart melt just a bit. Adam was just about perfect as always even with the "nudge". After reading this book, I really want more of this world and may need to plan a re-read of the series very soon.

Full review to be posted closer to the publication date.

Before Reading
Woo Hoo!! I am so happy to be approved for this one!
